中国人最容易被触怒的事 II 典型媒体反应
(Things that may trigger defensive response from Chinese Media II)
媒体典型反应 (Typical Defensive Response from General Chinese Media)
贴文中提到中国的典型反应:(typical reaction from author in Chinese media posted in previous posting)
(1)批评外国的恶意诋毁、不公平、采取双重标准、存心不良(criticizing foreign media for being malicious, slanderous, unfair, double-standard or having ulterior motives)
(2)重申中国的一贯立场(和平崛起、持续改革开放),外国或不友善团体的计谋不会得逞(reiterating the firm and persisting stance of China such as that China will rise in peace, and China will continue to open up and reform, and the unfriendly scheme against China by foreign clique will never gain ways to succeed)
(3)强调中国有自己的国情,不能把外国标准硬套在中国的国情之上 (stressing that China has its own course of running the country, and no one can impose an unfit standard upon China.)
(4)强调中国政府对内政的主权,不容外国“指手画脚”,“道三说四”......(stressing the sovereignty of PRC government over its internal affairs and other countries have no right to point their fingers or issue nonconstructive remarks)
(5)呼吁“阴谋分子”看清事实,迷途知返。(appealing to "conspirators" to face the fact and come back to the right track)
以上的回应,从情绪上可以归纳为 (the reactions above can be categorized into the following sentiments)
1)愤怒 fen4nu4 indignant
2)冤枉 yuan1wang3 wronged
3)急于辩解 ji2yu2 bian4jie3 eager to defend
4)反击 fan3ji1 retortative
5)强化自信 qiang2hua4 xi4xin4 self assuring
从言语策略上,可以看到其逻辑:(the logic in the rhetoric is:)
(This stems from the hostility of a bunch of people, which hurts the feeling of Chinese people, howerver, the majority of our foreign friends are nice people, and the opinion of this bunch of people will never prevail.) (small bunch of people: the Hawks in US Pentagon, the Rightists in Japan, all the separatists )
(As China never interfere with the internal affairs of other nations, they should not interfere with those of China)
(Before you criticize others, you should take a look at yourself)
(China is stepping forward in its own pace, walking on its own path, and the so-call "universal values" are dictated by hegemonic powers. China can learn great lessons from its long history, rather than imported something unfit)
2016年5月24日 星期二
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