Things that a Chinese citizen may feel offended about (absolutely a personal observation)
If one runs into any article mentioning those things, following comment or emotional reaction can be expected:
(1)批评外国的恶意诋毁、不公平、采取双重标准、存心不良(criticizing foreign media for being malicious, slanderous, unfair, double-standard or having ulterior motives)
(2)重申中国的一贯立场(和平崛起、持续改革开放),外国或不友善团体的计谋不会得逞(reiterating the firm and persisting stance of China such as that China will rise in peace, and China will continue to open up and reform, and the unfriendly scheme against China by foreign clique will never gain ways to succeed)
(3)强调中国有自己的国情,不能把外国标准硬套在中国的国情之上 (stressing that China has its own course of running the country, and no one can impose an unfit standard upon China.)
(4)强调中国政府对内政的主权,不容外国“指手画脚”,“道三说四”......(stressing the sovereignty of PRC government over its internal affairs and other countries have no right to point their fingers or issue nonconstructive remarks)
(5)呼吁“阴谋分子”看清事实,迷途知返。(appealing to "conspirators" to face the fact and come back to the right track)
(following are the issues or reports that often trigger hostile or defensive comment from authors on Chinese media)
文明方面:(on civilization)
- 文明低落(暴发户心态)(uncivilized behavior; nouveau-riche mentality)
- 缺乏公德心(大声喧哗、随地吐痰、插队)(lacking public ethics, e.g., talking loudly in public places, spitting at will, cutting into a waiting queue)
历史认知方面:(on historical views)
- 日本否认二战历史,尤其是南京事件/大屠杀的死亡统计(Japan denies the established historical facts of WWII, especially on the death toll in the Nanjing Incident/Massacre)
- 日本领导(首相)参拜靖国神社 (Japanese Prime Minister visit or pay tribute to Yasukuni Shrine, where the tablets of WWII criminals were worshiped)
- 刻意扭曲二战后同盟国签订的战后条约(any intentional distorting on the post-WWII treaties signed by the Allied Nations)
领土主权方面:(on territorial issues)
- 钓鱼台海域和东海岛屿主权争议 (territorial disputes over the sovereignty of Senkaku/Diaoyutai Islands and waters, and other areas within East China Sea, including fishing rights)
- 南海岛屿主权争议 (territorial disputes over the sovereignty of islands on South China Sea)
内政方面:(on internal affairs)
- 习近平反腐动机遭质疑 (being skeptical about Xi Jinping's motivation in combatting corruption within the government)
- 控诉中国网络自由受钳制 (accusing that the freedom of expression within the China's cyberspace is tightly controlled and policed)
- 藏独、疆独(东突)、台独、港独的支持性行动和言论 (supporting the movement of Tibetan, Xinjing(East Turkistan), Taiwan or Hong Kong Independence in writing or in action)
- 报道民运、维权人士遭中国不当对待,负面评论中国的人权纪录 (reporting the inhumane treatment suffered by activists of Democratic Movement or Human Right Movement and other reports commenting negatively the human right records of China)
- 所有从法轮功系统刊登的新闻、写作、节目:大纪元报、新唐人电台......(anything published or produced by media under Falungong Family: Dajiyuan/Epoch Times, New Tang TV)
军事方面:(in military aspect)
- 质疑中国的和平崛起意愿的真诚 (showing doubt about the "sincerity" of China's Rising in Peace)
- 支持以美国为首的围堵行动(日韩菲越台)(supporting the union under US military presence around China, seemingly a containment formed by Japan, Korea, the Philippines, Vietnam and Taiwan)
- 支持美对台军售 (supporting the US's weaponry sales to Taiwan)
- 指控中国刺探并窃取西方军事机密 (accusing China's spying and stealing of military secrets of the West)
- 指控中国军事发展构成对亚太地区的安全威胁 (accusing the current development of PLA of expansionism and threatening the security in the Asia-Pacific regions)
- 支持日本自卫队扩军 (supporting the further militarization of Japan's Self-Defense Troop)
- 指控中国人为操纵人民币 (accusing China of manipulating the exchange rate of RMB)
- 指控中国廉价倾销 (accusing China of dumping of Chines products)
- 指控中国阻碍稀土开发和输出 (accusing China of hindering the Rare Earth Resource from being explored and exported)
- 指控中国以血汗劳动来生产廉价产品(accusing China of producing goods in sweat-shop factories)
- 指控中国放任违反知识产权的行为(accusing China of doing to little to curb the violation of IPR)