

2016年5月30日 星期一

閲讀臺灣地區評論文章(一)Commentary Articles in Taiwan (I) 文章特色 Some Features

Commentary Articles in Taiwan (I)

characteristics in the Taiwan's commentary pieces

(一) 以藍綠立場論事(兩極化)
(1) Clear distinction between Pan Blue and Pan Green ways of thinking (Polarization)
The opinions commonly heard and expressed can be grouped into two camps.  The Pro-unification camp in Taiwan  consists of Pro-PRC and Anti-green factions,while the Pro-Independence camp consists of anti-blue, anti-PRC and Advocate for Independence.  In Taiwan, almost in all aspects, let it be politics, economic-trade, education, culture or science, view points expressed by these two camp can be widely apart from each other.

(2) Rhetoric tends to be harsh
Due to the fact that Taiwan constantly is either preparing or holding elections, articles published on newspaper are inevitably election-oriented.  Commentators with ideological beliefs tend to use harsh and critical rhetoric to ridicule the opponents.

(3) Over-Politicizing in topics
Given the sensitivity in the cross-strait issues, any issue is regarded as a cross-strait issue, and all commentary articles are to be read politically

(4) Neutral Introspective thinking on the rise sheds new light
All major newspapers create an opinion forum page to publish articles submitted by individual readers, who tend to more introspective and express more freely, breaking away from the traditional boundary.

(5) Lots of background information and allusions are shared and understood only by native readers
Readers may need to have acquired knowledge about the background in order to understand the complete who and what the article is referring to.  Taiwan may be a small piece of land on earth, but its political scenery swiftly varies.
