

2016年5月30日 星期一

中国媒体评论员都评论些什么?what may trigger commentators' opinions? and what will they normally say?

What a commentator of Chinese media (either Central or local) tend to comment on?

(1)国家政策 State policies

  • 反腐倡廉 fan3fu3 chang4lian2: Combating corruption and promoting integrity
  • 矫正四风 jiao3zheng4 "si4 feng1": Ractifying the "four incorrect practices"
Formalism; bureaucraticism; epicurianism; wasteful and lavishing practices
  • 打假 da3jia3 cracking down on counterfeiting
  • 反分裂 fan3 fen1lie4  opposing separatism
  • 依法治国 yi1fa3 zhi4guo2 ruling by laws
  • 京津冀一体化项目 Jing1 Jin1 Ji4 yi1ti3hua4: integration of Beijing, Tianjin and neighboring Hebei cities
  • 南水北调项目 nan2shui3 bei3diao4: conducing the water from the south to the north
  • 一带一路项目 yi1lu4 yi1dai: one road and one belt (China's maritime silk roads to Europe)
  • 城市交通治堵项目 jiao1tong1 zhi4du3: solving the congestion in cities
  • 城市防汛治水项目 fang2xun4 zhi4shui3: flood prevention in the cities
  • 党员违纪违法问题 dang3yuan2 wei2ji4: disciplinary violation of CCP members
  • 官员带病提拔现象 guan1yuan2 dai4bng4 ti2ba2: officials promoted in spite of records of misconduct
  • 裸官现象 luo3guan1: naked officials = officials having kids and wife reside in abroad

(2)社会现象 Social phenomena

  • 奢靡浪费 she1mi2 lang4fei4: squandering and wasteful life style
  • 攀比斗富 pan1bi3 dou4fu4: compete unrealistically and vying over wealth
  • 缺乏公德 que1fa2 gong1de2: lack consideration for others
  • 三公消费现象 san1gong1 xiao1fei4: three misconducts in using the public funds
  • 三公: 公费出国、公车私用、公费招待(traveling, entertaining on public expenses and using public sedan cars for personal purpose)
  • 农民工讨薪 nong2min2gong1 tao3xin1: migrant workers ask to be paid fairly and fully
  • 乡镇农民上访潮 xiang1zhen4 nong2min2 shang4fang3 chao2: waves of rural peasants collectively visit grade-1 cities to petition for unfair treatment
  • 企业欠薪现象 qi3ye4 qian4xin1 xian4xiang4: Chinese corporations delay or fail to pay workers full wages
  • 学校填鸭式教育 xue2xiao4 tian2ya1shi4 jiao4yu4: cramming education by many schools
  • 一孩政策后遗症 yi1hai2zheng4ce4 hou4yi2zheng4: the impact by the one-child policy on various social aspects
  • 有关开放二孩政策的讨论 you3guan1 kai1fang4 er4hai2 zheng4ce4  de tao3lun4: discussion on the lifting the ban on two-children family
  • 城管人员和民众冲突 cheng2guan3 ren2yuan2 he2 min2zhong4 chong1tu: conflicts between citizens and "urban management officers"
  • 不法网络公关现象 bu4fa3 wang2luo4 gong1guan1: illegal PR efforts in the cyber space (false internet polling)
  • 网络造谣罪行 wang3luo4 zao4yao2 zui4xing2: making and spreading rumors via internet
  • 网络诈骗罪行 wang3luo4 zha4pian4 zui4xing2: conning and fraudulence via internet
  • 封建迷信现象 feng1jian4 mi2xin4 xian4xiang4: feudalistic superstitions (obsessive belief in fengshui, fortune telling, evil sects, etc.)
  • 中国烟民持续增加的现象 Zhong1guo2 yan1min2 zhong4duo1: increasing numbers of smokers

Commentators' view:
The government acknowledges the existence of issues and the need to address them
Although there has been success in addressing the issues, there is a lot to be done.
Government is duty-bound and no excuse is allowed. (政府责无旁贷,毫无借口)
Some issues require concerted efforts to solve: relevant authorities, individuals, social groups.
Although there has been measures promulgated, the enforcement is yet too poor. (政策已经出台,但落实情况太差)
Leading cadres should take the lead (领导干部带头作用 for the general public to follow.

(3)外交话题 Foreign Relationship

  • 中国海域主权争议 Disputes over the territorial waters of the China Seas
  • 中印边界争议 Sino-Indo border disputes
  • 北韩(朝鲜)发展核武问题 North Korea's willfulness in developping nuclear weapons
  • 中国遭围堵问题 China's worry about being besieged by US-led containing deployment
  • 中国和平崛起承诺 China's commitment to "Rise in Peace"

Commentators' view:
China is determined on its course to go forward and maintain peaceful relations with neighbors.  Regarding North Korea, China wants to make it clear that China won't support the willful action of nuclear detonation by North Korea.  (朝鲜一意孤行持续进行核爆)China's Hawks may announce that China is not afraid of being engaged in wars if needed, while the Doves stress China will resort to peaceful means, such as economic development.

(4)军事话题 Military topics

  • 中国军队现代化 modernization of China's military forces
  • 美国对台湾军售 US arms sales to Taiwan

Commentators' view:
China will continue to modernize its defense ability, but will never pose any threat to its neighbors
China appeals that US should not support any type of separatism in Taiwan by providing US weapons, and warns against any move toward that direction.

(5)科技话题 Scientific topics

  • 气候极端变化议题 qi4hou4 ji2duan1 bian4hua4 yi4ti2: Extreme Climatic Changes
  • 暴雨(bao4yu3; torrential rain)、雪灾(xue3zai1 snow storm)、干旱(gan1han4 draught)、泥石流(ni2shi2liu2 mudslide)、滑坡(hua2po1 landslide)
  • 海水淡化技术 hai3shui3 dan4hua4 ji4shu4 ; technology in desalination of sea water

Commentators' view:
China will adopt effective measures to cope with the serious problems, including preventative actions and contingency actions.
