2022年1月10日 星期一
2020年2月19日 星期三
2016年6月5日 星期日
閱讀台灣媒體的評論文章(二)議題B 統獨爭議 Commentary Articles in Taiwan (II) Various Topics and Views predictable for native readers Topic B: Disputes on Taiwan Independence
Disputes on Taiwan Independence
Is the 92 Consensus a fait accompli or a lie?
Representative delegates from TWN/ROC and PRC met each other in Singapore (historically known as Wang-Gu Meeting) in 1993 and made a joint statement after the meeting that both party has finally reached something in common after several back and forth of communication following the Hong Kong Round of Talks in 1992, accepting jointly that there is only one China in the world, and both sides of the Taiwan strait may interpret the definition of China from respective prospective. (known or termed by KMT Party as "One China with Respective Description")
With such consensus in place, the PRC-TWN/ROC cooperation started to develop. In spite of the experience of sluggishness and retrogression of the cross-strait relationship during the rule of President Li and President Chen, the 92 Cross-Strait Consensus serves always as the guide line for further agreements between Taiwan and PRC.
After President Ma Ying Jiu succeeded in having the ECFA (Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement) signed by both sides of the Strait, closer trade of agriculture and commercial products smoothly rolled out, more individual tourists and tour groups gain permit to visit Taiwan, and more individuals and firms from Taiwan are allowed to start careers in Mainland China, which as shown by statistics benefited Taiwan's local economy and employment scene.
The Three No's announcement made by President Ma in his inauguration message (no unification with China, no declaration of Taiwan Independence, no resort to use of force) is actually a good extension of the 92 consensus.
There isn't such thing called or knows as "the 92 consensus", it is purely a big lie from the KMT party. China and Taiwan have not reached consensus at all. The only common knowledge if any is that both China and Taiwan recognize that there is only divergence, rather than consensus between the two on the definition of China. It is totally against logical thinking to accept there is only one China and each of the two parties at the same time may have different views about what China means. What is more dangerous is that CCP stressed on One China, and has never shown official acceptance for "respective description". Once Taiwan accepts such consensus, Taiwan will be trapped into the reluctant recognition of One China in PRC's term.
Taiwan is already an independent state with its own constitution and elected president. Any change in the current status of Taiwan is subject to the decision of all citizens of Taiwan. The fact has manifested itself that Taiwan and China are two separate nations, and the relationship between Taiwan and China is a special one.
Disputes on Taiwan Independence
Is the 92 Consensus a fait accompli or a lie?
Representative delegates from TWN/ROC and PRC met each other in Singapore (historically known as Wang-Gu Meeting) in 1993 and made a joint statement after the meeting that both party has finally reached something in common after several back and forth of communication following the Hong Kong Round of Talks in 1992, accepting jointly that there is only one China in the world, and both sides of the Taiwan strait may interpret the definition of China from respective prospective. (known or termed by KMT Party as "One China with Respective Description")
With such consensus in place, the PRC-TWN/ROC cooperation started to develop. In spite of the experience of sluggishness and retrogression of the cross-strait relationship during the rule of President Li and President Chen, the 92 Cross-Strait Consensus serves always as the guide line for further agreements between Taiwan and PRC.
After President Ma Ying Jiu succeeded in having the ECFA (Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement) signed by both sides of the Strait, closer trade of agriculture and commercial products smoothly rolled out, more individual tourists and tour groups gain permit to visit Taiwan, and more individuals and firms from Taiwan are allowed to start careers in Mainland China, which as shown by statistics benefited Taiwan's local economy and employment scene.
The Three No's announcement made by President Ma in his inauguration message (no unification with China, no declaration of Taiwan Independence, no resort to use of force) is actually a good extension of the 92 consensus.
There isn't such thing called or knows as "the 92 consensus", it is purely a big lie from the KMT party. China and Taiwan have not reached consensus at all. The only common knowledge if any is that both China and Taiwan recognize that there is only divergence, rather than consensus between the two on the definition of China. It is totally against logical thinking to accept there is only one China and each of the two parties at the same time may have different views about what China means. What is more dangerous is that CCP stressed on One China, and has never shown official acceptance for "respective description". Once Taiwan accepts such consensus, Taiwan will be trapped into the reluctant recognition of One China in PRC's term.
Taiwan is already an independent state with its own constitution and elected president. Any change in the current status of Taiwan is subject to the decision of all citizens of Taiwan. The fact has manifested itself that Taiwan and China are two separate nations, and the relationship between Taiwan and China is a special one.
閱讀台灣媒體的評論文章(二)各類議題 議題A 選舉與執政 Commentary Articles in Taiwan (II) Various Topics and Views predictable for native readers Topic A Election and Ruling
閱讀台灣媒體的評論文章(二)各類議題 A
Various Topics and Views predictable for native readers
The Color tells it all
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China Times (中國時報) United Daily(聯合報) Apple Daily (蘋果日報) Next Media (壹傳媒) Liberty Times (自由時報) |
As most media in Taiwan choose sides on the political and ideological spectrum (Deep Blue-Light Blue-Light Green-Deep Green, with a bit of red referring to Pro-PRC), the views and advocacies vary so much from each other that there isn't so little in common no matter what the topic or issues are. What may cause confusion for readers is that sometimes a view may flip completely just because the opposition party has switched to be the ruling party, i.e. the supporters of a certain policy may suddenly turn into antagonists.
The only thing that does not change after of the shift of power is the fact that the Pan Blue are urging for the "Reunification", while the Pan Green for the "Independence"
In the following passages, the view points, almost mutually exclusive, due to the divergence in ideology for pros and cons of unification/independence, will be marked in colors accordingly (blue font in light blue highlight and green font in light green highlight)
Topic A: Election and Ruling
In Rotation of Ruling Power or Re-rotation, is Taiwan being led to success or failure?
兩蔣時代(The Era of the Two Chiangs in Ruling):
Taiwan (ROC) started to construct everything including military, social and economic developments, as well as make efforts to preserve and restore the traditions of Chinese culture. People in Taiwan work jointly to build this country and fight jointly against the aggression of Communist China.
President Jiang Jingguo (Chiang, the Junior) launched the "Ten Major Projects", which has brought Taiwan modernization. He also lifted the martial laws and many other similar bans, laying solid foundation of further democratization.
Taiwanese suffered from oppressive governing of the "foreign" (non-local) regimes, and local elite class suffered from persecution, local culture and local community also suffered from discrimination. Extended martial laws has brought fear and rage onto the people.
李登輝時代 (The Era of President Lee)
Being the successor of Jiang Jingguo, President Li Deng-hui took aggressive steps to bring democracy to Taiwan, but his localism and inclination toward Japan's right wing brought about the first split of KMT party in Taiwan. He secretly or indirectly provided resources to DPP (Democratic Progressive Party), and more than once did he issue statements openly promoting Taiwanese Independence, which he successfully aggravated the tension between Taiwan and PRC and involved US into cross-strait conflicts. During the 12 years of his presidency, Li insisted on the "Go Slowly" Policy to bar Taiwan businesses from investing in Chinese market before it is too late, which now proves to be the cause leading to weakening of Taiwan competitiveness, When DPP's Chen Shuibian won presidency in year 2000, thousands of KMT supporters protested against Li and demanded that he stepped down from the Chair of KMT, which he was forced to resign and become the leader of Taiwan Solidarity Alliance, a pro-independence party. For the deep-blue KMT, Li is a traitor, the culprit that caused KMT to fall apart.
作爲蔣經國總統的接班人,李登輝總統積極領導臺灣走向民主,延續蔣經國的做法,致力於國民黨内部,政府官員的“本土化”,但這樣的舉動激怒了“外省族群”,引發了他們的“危機感”,這使得李登輝的一言一行都被曲解為“賣國”、“漢奸走狗”的行爲。李登輝忍辱負重,在國民黨内推行改革,反而被國民黨開除黨籍,但卻贏得臺灣人民的尊敬,“阿輝伯” 的名號在綠營中是沒有人不知道的。
Being the successor of Jiang Jingguo, President Li Deng-hui took aggressive steps to bring democracy to Taiwan, following the efforts of Jiang Jingguo, Li tried hard to localize the workforce within KMT and within the Government. This has triggered anger and anxiety from the "mainlander" group,who distorted everything Li said into an act of treason. President Li said nothing but eat humble pie in order to launch reforms within KMT, but ended up to be unexpectedly expelled by KMT. However he earned respect from all Taiwanese. "Uncle Hui" is a plausible name in the Pan-Green Circle.
陳水扁時代(The Era of President Chen)
President Chen announced “Four No's and One Without" as his guiding principal for cross-strait relationship and promised not to promote any motion toward the independence of Taiwan during his presidency, meantime he also recruited a large team of social elite with good reputation of integrity and righteousness to serve as his consultants for state affairs hoping it will turn around the erosion brought about by the money politics flourishing during the 12 years' presidency of Li Deng-hui. On education, Pres. Chen promised to carry out reforms to set free the educational system and allow more room for development. In practice however, Chen was actually playing rhetoric game in cross-strait relationship, blocking the trade between Taiwan and China, threatening the bi-lateral relationship. What Chen did about Education reforms was to de-sinify (energetically erasing the traces of Chinese culture and history from Taiwan's text books and arts) , while his commitment to provide more opportunities to learn end up in disaster: students finding the studying even more torturing, their parents finding the system even more perplexing, and teachers finding the schooling even lower in quality. As for the promised integrity of his administration, President Chen failed to refrain his relatives and followers from corrupted activities, and tried to cover it up for them with his presidential power, which eventually triggered massive and extended protests from the citizens, and the positive acclamation of "Son of Taiwan" for him has become a sarcasm as "Shame of Taiwan". The expression of "I love Taiwan" under Chen's ruling has ironically become a protective charm that acquits any disciplinary offense or any misconduct of politicians, and those who did not cry out loud that they love Taiwan will be deemed traitors by the Green Camp.
The mystery of "Two Bullets"
The successful re-election of Chen Shuibian in 2004 was actually quite controversial and will never clear the doubt about its ligitimacy. The day just before the voting day, Chen and Annette Lyu, his campaigning partner were shot at by so-called assassin with a backyard pistol. Both of them were minimally wounded, but this triggered emotional voting repercussion that turned around the gloomy electoral outlook for DPP. The Blue Camp categorized this action a treacherous campaigning trick, calling it "Ao Bu" (tacky step). The protesting blue voters had little choice but accepting the fact that Chen has won the election in an infamous way, believing this shameful story will remain an eteral pain in the hearts of DPP supporters. The aftermath is that Taiwanese began to be divided in believing an account described by public offices (Court's verdict, Police report): those who believe will permanently believe, while those who disbelieve will remain disbelieving.
President Chen won the election and become the first "Poor Taiwanese" President, who grew up in impoverished background and worked hard to strive from the status of lawyer, congressman to president. His story has become a legend for all Taiwanese who are striving upward. His nickname is either "A Bian/@bian" or "Son of Taiwan". After Chen took office, the KMT-led Legislative Yuan created obstacles to block his policies, and the unfriendly media run by Deep Blue journalists spare no efforts to criticize and examine him and his family members almost anatomically. A Bian wanted to reestablish Taiwanese Pride, Priority for Taiwan and Outspoken Love for Taiwan, but was ill interpreted by Blue Media, who collaborated with China's official media. We regard this as political violence against Taiwanese and violation of Taiwanese' human rights.
It is true that many opportunists sought ways to obtain personal gains by getting closer to Chen and his family after his inauguration, but the Pro-Unification Media in Taiwan and other Pan Blue politicians tried all possible ways to frame President Chen, attempting to damage his legitimacy to rule this country. This intention is unbelievably evil as they would do without any concerns over the stability and development of Taiwan.
Surviving an Attempted Assassination
During a campaigning tour, A Bian was attacked by someone with a pistol and survived this horrifying assassination by sheer luck. It is so cruel of the opponents to describe this tragedy as a self-directed episode. Who would risk his own life just to win an election? What they said about this attempted assassination only prove that those in Blue Camp would go this far to say something so irresponsible only to ruin a person's reputation.
馬英九時代(The Era of President Ma)
President Ma Yingjiu won the election for his promise to fight against corruption and boost up the economy, and he enjoyed high support rate from the people after he took office in 2008, which read at 64 percent. Apparently, Ma focused on a) rebuild a clean government; b) re-open the channel for cross-strait harmony; c) regain trust from international community; d) economic project for 6-3-3 (6% as annual growth, U$ 30 thousand for per capita GDP and unemployment rate below 3%); e) twelve construction projects for Taiwan. What Ma actually started with was to build closer tie with PRC, hoping Taiwan may get free ride and boost as China rises energetically in economy.
Theoretically, Ma should be capable of pushing his policies through as KMT held majority of the seats in Legislature and KMT legislators will endorse KMT president without hesitation, but the situations were not actually so, because 1) Ma preferred to hire high-profiled professors or scholars, who excelled in theories but lacked practical experience, so this elitism pulled Ma away from citizens' opinions, and the legislators elected by voters believed Ma has failed voters; 2) Ma paid special attention to the detente in cross-strait relationship, and regarded the cross-strait harmony a great mission. This kind of eagerness from Ma has brought about anxiety among Taiwanese, unease from the US, and strong rebuff from the localist faction within KMT.
The resistance against Ma came partly from antagonistic parties, partly from fellow KMT members. Ma may enjoy achievements in diplomatic arena (such as Visa Waiver Status from many countries and further cooperation with them) by means of his international charisma, but suffer even greater setback in answering to more serious issues such as staggering unemployment, low salary and pricy livelihood, which made Ma the target for criticism among younger generation.
Topic A: Election and Ruling
In Rotation of Ruling Power or Re-rotation, is Taiwan being led to success or failure?
兩蔣時代(The Era of the Two Chiangs in Ruling):
Taiwan (ROC) started to construct everything including military, social and economic developments, as well as make efforts to preserve and restore the traditions of Chinese culture. People in Taiwan work jointly to build this country and fight jointly against the aggression of Communist China.
President Jiang Jingguo (Chiang, the Junior) launched the "Ten Major Projects", which has brought Taiwan modernization. He also lifted the martial laws and many other similar bans, laying solid foundation of further democratization.
Taiwanese suffered from oppressive governing of the "foreign" (non-local) regimes, and local elite class suffered from persecution, local culture and local community also suffered from discrimination. Extended martial laws has brought fear and rage onto the people.
李登輝時代 (The Era of President Lee)
Being the successor of Jiang Jingguo, President Li Deng-hui took aggressive steps to bring democracy to Taiwan, but his localism and inclination toward Japan's right wing brought about the first split of KMT party in Taiwan. He secretly or indirectly provided resources to DPP (Democratic Progressive Party), and more than once did he issue statements openly promoting Taiwanese Independence, which he successfully aggravated the tension between Taiwan and PRC and involved US into cross-strait conflicts. During the 12 years of his presidency, Li insisted on the "Go Slowly" Policy to bar Taiwan businesses from investing in Chinese market before it is too late, which now proves to be the cause leading to weakening of Taiwan competitiveness, When DPP's Chen Shuibian won presidency in year 2000, thousands of KMT supporters protested against Li and demanded that he stepped down from the Chair of KMT, which he was forced to resign and become the leader of Taiwan Solidarity Alliance, a pro-independence party. For the deep-blue KMT, Li is a traitor, the culprit that caused KMT to fall apart.
作爲蔣經國總統的接班人,李登輝總統積極領導臺灣走向民主,延續蔣經國的做法,致力於國民黨内部,政府官員的“本土化”,但這樣的舉動激怒了“外省族群”,引發了他們的“危機感”,這使得李登輝的一言一行都被曲解為“賣國”、“漢奸走狗”的行爲。李登輝忍辱負重,在國民黨内推行改革,反而被國民黨開除黨籍,但卻贏得臺灣人民的尊敬,“阿輝伯” 的名號在綠營中是沒有人不知道的。
Being the successor of Jiang Jingguo, President Li Deng-hui took aggressive steps to bring democracy to Taiwan, following the efforts of Jiang Jingguo, Li tried hard to localize the workforce within KMT and within the Government. This has triggered anger and anxiety from the "mainlander" group,who distorted everything Li said into an act of treason. President Li said nothing but eat humble pie in order to launch reforms within KMT, but ended up to be unexpectedly expelled by KMT. However he earned respect from all Taiwanese. "Uncle Hui" is a plausible name in the Pan-Green Circle.
陳水扁時代(The Era of President Chen)
President Chen announced “Four No's and One Without" as his guiding principal for cross-strait relationship and promised not to promote any motion toward the independence of Taiwan during his presidency, meantime he also recruited a large team of social elite with good reputation of integrity and righteousness to serve as his consultants for state affairs hoping it will turn around the erosion brought about by the money politics flourishing during the 12 years' presidency of Li Deng-hui. On education, Pres. Chen promised to carry out reforms to set free the educational system and allow more room for development. In practice however, Chen was actually playing rhetoric game in cross-strait relationship, blocking the trade between Taiwan and China, threatening the bi-lateral relationship. What Chen did about Education reforms was to de-sinify (energetically erasing the traces of Chinese culture and history from Taiwan's text books and arts) , while his commitment to provide more opportunities to learn end up in disaster: students finding the studying even more torturing, their parents finding the system even more perplexing, and teachers finding the schooling even lower in quality. As for the promised integrity of his administration, President Chen failed to refrain his relatives and followers from corrupted activities, and tried to cover it up for them with his presidential power, which eventually triggered massive and extended protests from the citizens, and the positive acclamation of "Son of Taiwan" for him has become a sarcasm as "Shame of Taiwan". The expression of "I love Taiwan" under Chen's ruling has ironically become a protective charm that acquits any disciplinary offense or any misconduct of politicians, and those who did not cry out loud that they love Taiwan will be deemed traitors by the Green Camp.
The mystery of "Two Bullets"
The successful re-election of Chen Shuibian in 2004 was actually quite controversial and will never clear the doubt about its ligitimacy. The day just before the voting day, Chen and Annette Lyu, his campaigning partner were shot at by so-called assassin with a backyard pistol. Both of them were minimally wounded, but this triggered emotional voting repercussion that turned around the gloomy electoral outlook for DPP. The Blue Camp categorized this action a treacherous campaigning trick, calling it "Ao Bu" (tacky step). The protesting blue voters had little choice but accepting the fact that Chen has won the election in an infamous way, believing this shameful story will remain an eteral pain in the hearts of DPP supporters. The aftermath is that Taiwanese began to be divided in believing an account described by public offices (Court's verdict, Police report): those who believe will permanently believe, while those who disbelieve will remain disbelieving.
President Chen won the election and become the first "Poor Taiwanese" President, who grew up in impoverished background and worked hard to strive from the status of lawyer, congressman to president. His story has become a legend for all Taiwanese who are striving upward. His nickname is either "A Bian/@bian" or "Son of Taiwan". After Chen took office, the KMT-led Legislative Yuan created obstacles to block his policies, and the unfriendly media run by Deep Blue journalists spare no efforts to criticize and examine him and his family members almost anatomically. A Bian wanted to reestablish Taiwanese Pride, Priority for Taiwan and Outspoken Love for Taiwan, but was ill interpreted by Blue Media, who collaborated with China's official media. We regard this as political violence against Taiwanese and violation of Taiwanese' human rights.
It is true that many opportunists sought ways to obtain personal gains by getting closer to Chen and his family after his inauguration, but the Pro-Unification Media in Taiwan and other Pan Blue politicians tried all possible ways to frame President Chen, attempting to damage his legitimacy to rule this country. This intention is unbelievably evil as they would do without any concerns over the stability and development of Taiwan.
Surviving an Attempted Assassination
During a campaigning tour, A Bian was attacked by someone with a pistol and survived this horrifying assassination by sheer luck. It is so cruel of the opponents to describe this tragedy as a self-directed episode. Who would risk his own life just to win an election? What they said about this attempted assassination only prove that those in Blue Camp would go this far to say something so irresponsible only to ruin a person's reputation.
馬英九時代(The Era of President Ma)
President Ma Yingjiu won the election for his promise to fight against corruption and boost up the economy, and he enjoyed high support rate from the people after he took office in 2008, which read at 64 percent. Apparently, Ma focused on a) rebuild a clean government; b) re-open the channel for cross-strait harmony; c) regain trust from international community; d) economic project for 6-3-3 (6% as annual growth, U$ 30 thousand for per capita GDP and unemployment rate below 3%); e) twelve construction projects for Taiwan. What Ma actually started with was to build closer tie with PRC, hoping Taiwan may get free ride and boost as China rises energetically in economy.
Theoretically, Ma should be capable of pushing his policies through as KMT held majority of the seats in Legislature and KMT legislators will endorse KMT president without hesitation, but the situations were not actually so, because 1) Ma preferred to hire high-profiled professors or scholars, who excelled in theories but lacked practical experience, so this elitism pulled Ma away from citizens' opinions, and the legislators elected by voters believed Ma has failed voters; 2) Ma paid special attention to the detente in cross-strait relationship, and regarded the cross-strait harmony a great mission. This kind of eagerness from Ma has brought about anxiety among Taiwanese, unease from the US, and strong rebuff from the localist faction within KMT.
The resistance against Ma came partly from antagonistic parties, partly from fellow KMT members. Ma may enjoy achievements in diplomatic arena (such as Visa Waiver Status from many countries and further cooperation with them) by means of his international charisma, but suffer even greater setback in answering to more serious issues such as staggering unemployment, low salary and pricy livelihood, which made Ma the target for criticism among younger generation.
As Chen Shuibian suffered the embarrassing demonstration by "red-shirted army" during his term, Ma was also picketed by "white-shirted army", followed by "sun flower student movement". The triggering event may be different, while the motivation behind was the same, i.e. highly disatisfaction and discredit on the incombent.
Although the global economic climate over the eight years of Ma's presidency has been gloomy and cast Taiwanese into intense anxiety of insecurity, the progress in nation-wide infrastruction and Taiwan's foreign relationships was obvious with the support of clear statistics. However, these praise-worthy achievements were smeared with disbelief via distorted propaganda against Ma from the Pan-green media who always quoted conclusion from foreign media they successfully misled. Ma's preference in doing it rather than claiming it, his perseverance in doing something right were described as an attitude of arrogance and insensitivity. Even people in the supporting camp complained that Ma has been too quiet and tolerating toward those who attacked him, that Ma should have shown some guts by fighting back.
Ma Yingjiu was born the second generation of government officials, enjoying all the privileges since childhood. He has a history of oppressing overseas democratic movement of Taiwanese and continued to embrace the Tory faction of KMT after returning to Taiwan, resisting any effort to push Taiwan onward to democracy. "Uncle Hui" once held up Ma's arm and presented him as a
"New Taiwanese" and got so disappointed later when hearing what Ma said and seeing what Ma did. Li Denghui was forced to step down from the chair in KMT by motion initiated by Ma Yingjiu, the ungrateful rascal.
後馬時代 (the Post-Ma Era)
Ma Yingjiu was born the second generation of government officials, enjoying all the privileges since childhood. He has a history of oppressing overseas democratic movement of Taiwanese and continued to embrace the Tory faction of KMT after returning to Taiwan, resisting any effort to push Taiwan onward to democracy. "Uncle Hui" once held up Ma's arm and presented him as a
"New Taiwanese" and got so disappointed later when hearing what Ma said and seeing what Ma did. Li Denghui was forced to step down from the chair in KMT by motion initiated by Ma Yingjiu, the ungrateful rascal.
The persecution from Ma administration onto Chen Shuibian, the former president would make any observer speechless with shivers. The very day when Chen stepped down from the leadership of the nation, Ma administration started the persecution on him under the pretax of judiciary, bringing all kinds of false charges of corruption on Chen just to lock him and his family in jail. The appeal from people against this incriminatory action was totally ignored.
Ma has declared loudly and repeatedly that he would rule the nation with law only and would root out corruption. The truth is cases of malfiscance and collusion with interest groups were reported against all level of officials including a county magistate, a KMT's disciplinary caucus leader and more others. It seemed that the governance Ma vowed to bring to the nation was no difference from the one he criticized harshly.
後馬時代 (the Post-Ma Era)
The Post-Ma Era started as early as the third year after Ma's reelection, when the white-shirted army and the sun flower protesting students rose up against Ma owing to the following backdrops: on one hand the prolonged bickering wars between Pan Blue and Pan Green has sickened Taiwanese and has brought about awakening among citizens; 2) Taiwanese started to feel more and more anxious and threatened about the global economic rise of China, while the ROC President promoted policies to enjoy "free rides" from China, an intention interpreted by some Taiwanese as an act of toadiness to China and betrayal of Taiwan.
The Protest of White-shirted Army was to vent people's anger against the inhumane treatment commonly found in military service, and the Sun Flower Movement was triggered by the outrageous manner of KMT Legislators forcing the passage of agreement on cross-strait cooperation of service industries. Ma Yingjiu was not the person to bear the blame actually, but his tendency to play around with people's anger, further lavened by DPP's portraying Ma as an arrogant and incompetent leader, cost KMT all the confidence left within the middle liners. Most candidates endorsed by Ma lost in the Seven-in-One election in 2014, and KMT mayoral candidate of Taipei lost the election to Ke Wenzhe, a candidate without partisan background at all. Ma's endorsement was generally regarded by candidates as poisonous and dreadful.
The Protest of White-shirted Army was to vent people's anger against the inhumane treatment commonly found in military service, and the Sun Flower Movement was triggered by the outrageous manner of KMT Legislators forcing the passage of agreement on cross-strait cooperation of service industries. Ma Yingjiu was not the person to bear the blame actually, but his tendency to play around with people's anger, further lavened by DPP's portraying Ma as an arrogant and incompetent leader, cost KMT all the confidence left within the middle liners. Most candidates endorsed by Ma lost in the Seven-in-One election in 2014, and KMT mayoral candidate of Taipei lost the election to Ke Wenzhe, a candidate without partisan background at all. Ma's endorsement was generally regarded by candidates as poisonous and dreadful.
Cai Yingwen, the Chairman of DPP was defeated in the Presidential Election in 2012, but the momentum she managed to gain and gather did not stop and continue to grow toward the next campaign. Young folks like her for her warm and down-to-earth language, voiced and repeated around all campuses and the cyber world, thus an unstoppable force has been formed. Contrasting this with the inner conflicts constantly taking place within KMT party, and the absence of any plan to foster young blood, one may predict quite easily the coming of the third round of power rotation.
Cai Yingwen, the Chairman of DPP was defeated in the Presidential Election in 2012, but the momentum she managed to gain and gather did not stop and continue to grow toward the next campaign. Young folks like her for her warm and down-to-earth language, voiced and repeated around all campuses and the cyber world, thus an unstoppable force has been formed. Contrasting this with the inner conflicts constantly taking place within KMT party, and the absence of any plan to foster young blood, one may predict quite easily the coming of the third round of power rotation.
2016年5月30日 星期一
閲讀臺灣地區評論文章(一)Commentary Articles in Taiwan (I) 文章特色 Some Features
Commentary Articles in Taiwan (I)
characteristics in the Taiwan's commentary pieces
(一) 以藍綠立場論事(兩極化)
(1) Clear distinction between Pan Blue and Pan Green ways of thinking (Polarization)
The opinions commonly heard and expressed can be grouped into two camps. The Pro-unification camp in Taiwan consists of Pro-PRC and Anti-green factions,while the Pro-Independence camp consists of anti-blue, anti-PRC and Advocate for Independence. In Taiwan, almost in all aspects, let it be politics, economic-trade, education, culture or science, view points expressed by these two camp can be widely apart from each other.
(2) Rhetoric tends to be harsh
Due to the fact that Taiwan constantly is either preparing or holding elections, articles published on newspaper are inevitably election-oriented. Commentators with ideological beliefs tend to use harsh and critical rhetoric to ridicule the opponents.
(3) Over-Politicizing in topics
Given the sensitivity in the cross-strait issues, any issue is regarded as a cross-strait issue, and all commentary articles are to be read politically
(4) Neutral Introspective thinking on the rise sheds new light
All major newspapers create an opinion forum page to publish articles submitted by individual readers, who tend to more introspective and express more freely, breaking away from the traditional boundary.
(5) Lots of background information and allusions are shared and understood only by native readers
Readers may need to have acquired knowledge about the background in order to understand the complete who and what the article is referring to. Taiwan may be a small piece of land on earth, but its political scenery swiftly varies.
Commentary Articles in Taiwan (I)
characteristics in the Taiwan's commentary pieces
(一) 以藍綠立場論事(兩極化)
(1) Clear distinction between Pan Blue and Pan Green ways of thinking (Polarization)
The opinions commonly heard and expressed can be grouped into two camps. The Pro-unification camp in Taiwan consists of Pro-PRC and Anti-green factions,while the Pro-Independence camp consists of anti-blue, anti-PRC and Advocate for Independence. In Taiwan, almost in all aspects, let it be politics, economic-trade, education, culture or science, view points expressed by these two camp can be widely apart from each other.
(2) Rhetoric tends to be harsh
Due to the fact that Taiwan constantly is either preparing or holding elections, articles published on newspaper are inevitably election-oriented. Commentators with ideological beliefs tend to use harsh and critical rhetoric to ridicule the opponents.
(3) Over-Politicizing in topics
Given the sensitivity in the cross-strait issues, any issue is regarded as a cross-strait issue, and all commentary articles are to be read politically
(4) Neutral Introspective thinking on the rise sheds new light
All major newspapers create an opinion forum page to publish articles submitted by individual readers, who tend to more introspective and express more freely, breaking away from the traditional boundary.
(5) Lots of background information and allusions are shared and understood only by native readers
Readers may need to have acquired knowledge about the background in order to understand the complete who and what the article is referring to. Taiwan may be a small piece of land on earth, but its political scenery swiftly varies.
中文评论文章的要件/中文評論文章的要件 Major parts in commentary articles in Chinese
Major parts in commentary articles in Chinese
When reading a commentary article, it is useful to understand what are normally included by the author
Major parts in commentary articles in Chinese
When reading a commentary article, it is useful to understand what are normally included by the author
- 标题/標題
- Title
- 事件
- Event/Incident
- 意见/意見
- Opinions
- (a) the author may introduce views by others before he/she reveals his/her own views.
- (b) the author may switch to argue against a view by using the following devices:
- 但是/可是/只是/然而....... (preceded by 虽然 although、尽管 even though、的确 indeed、固然 clearly、...也无可厚非 nothing wrong in...)
- (而)問題是......
- (而)值得注意的是......
- (c) the author may heighten his argument in stronger tone, using the following devices:
- 没想到...竟然... (sth. happens to be ...)
- 照理说...应该..., 可是...竟然... (sth happens against what is normally expected)
- 除非....,否則......一定.... (there is little chance, unless...)
- 即使/就算..., 也不能...... (even if ..., however ....; denying the legitimacy of ...)
- 究竟为什么...?这到底是怎么回事?(really wonder why or what happens, and this will bring the author to provide an answer)
- 道理
- providing rationale
- (a) the author may explain what he/she think to be the way to solve an issue
- (b) the author may point out where the real problem lies in
- (c) the author may cite experts' opinions to support his argument
- 例子
- Examples
- Examples may be provided in a geographic format, citing similar situations across the world's or country's map
- Examples may be provided along the timeline of history, citing stories in the past
- 结论/結論
- Conclusion
- typical expressions found in a concluding part are:
- 由此可见,......;不论....., 可以确定的是....;......
- (a) solution:只有...,才....; 必须......, 才......
- (b) anticipation:期望......;让我们......
中国媒体评论员都评论些什么?what may trigger commentators' opinions? and what will they normally say?
What a commentator of Chinese media (either Central or local) tend to comment on?
(1)国家政策 State policies
Formalism; bureaucraticism; epicurianism; wasteful and lavishing practices
(2)社会现象 Social phenomena
Commentators' view:
The government acknowledges the existence of issues and the need to address them
Although there has been success in addressing the issues, there is a lot to be done.
Government is duty-bound and no excuse is allowed. (政府责无旁贷,毫无借口)
Some issues require concerted efforts to solve: relevant authorities, individuals, social groups.
Although there has been measures promulgated, the enforcement is yet too poor. (政策已经出台,但落实情况太差)
Leading cadres should take the lead (领导干部起带头作用) for the general public to follow.
(3)外交话题 Foreign Relationship
Commentators' view:
China is determined on its course to go forward and maintain peaceful relations with neighbors. Regarding North Korea, China wants to make it clear that China won't support the willful action of nuclear detonation by North Korea. (朝鲜一意孤行持续进行核爆)China's Hawks may announce that China is not afraid of being engaged in wars if needed, while the Doves stress China will resort to peaceful means, such as economic development.
(4)军事话题 Military topics
Commentators' view:
China will continue to modernize its defense ability, but will never pose any threat to its neighbors
China appeals that US should not support any type of separatism in Taiwan by providing US weapons, and warns against any move toward that direction.
(5)科技话题 Scientific topics
Commentators' view:
China will adopt effective measures to cope with the serious problems, including preventative actions and contingency actions.
What a commentator of Chinese media (either Central or local) tend to comment on?
(1)国家政策 State policies
- 反腐倡廉 fan3fu3 chang4lian2: Combating corruption and promoting integrity
- 矫正四风 jiao3zheng4 "si4 feng1": Ractifying the "four incorrect practices"
Formalism; bureaucraticism; epicurianism; wasteful and lavishing practices
- 打假 da3jia3 cracking down on counterfeiting
- 反分裂 fan3 fen1lie4 opposing separatism
- 依法治国 yi1fa3 zhi4guo2 ruling by laws
- 京津冀一体化项目 Jing1 Jin1 Ji4 yi1ti3hua4: integration of Beijing, Tianjin and neighboring Hebei cities
- 南水北调项目 nan2shui3 bei3diao4: conducing the water from the south to the north
- 一带一路项目 yi1lu4 yi1dai: one road and one belt (China's maritime silk roads to Europe)
- 城市交通治堵项目 jiao1tong1 zhi4du3: solving the congestion in cities
- 城市防汛治水项目 fang2xun4 zhi4shui3: flood prevention in the cities
- 党员违纪违法问题 dang3yuan2 wei2ji4: disciplinary violation of CCP members
- 官员带病提拔现象 guan1yuan2 dai4bng4 ti2ba2: officials promoted in spite of records of misconduct
- 裸官现象 luo3guan1: naked officials = officials having kids and wife reside in abroad
(2)社会现象 Social phenomena
- 奢靡浪费 she1mi2 lang4fei4: squandering and wasteful life style
- 攀比斗富 pan1bi3 dou4fu4: compete unrealistically and vying over wealth
- 缺乏公德 que1fa2 gong1de2: lack consideration for others
- 三公消费现象 san1gong1 xiao1fei4: three misconducts in using the public funds
- 三公: 公费出国、公车私用、公费招待(traveling, entertaining on public expenses and using public sedan cars for personal purpose)
- 农民工讨薪 nong2min2gong1 tao3xin1: migrant workers ask to be paid fairly and fully
- 乡镇农民上访潮 xiang1zhen4 nong2min2 shang4fang3 chao2: waves of rural peasants collectively visit grade-1 cities to petition for unfair treatment
- 企业欠薪现象 qi3ye4 qian4xin1 xian4xiang4: Chinese corporations delay or fail to pay workers full wages
- 学校填鸭式教育 xue2xiao4 tian2ya1shi4 jiao4yu4: cramming education by many schools
- 一孩政策后遗症 yi1hai2zheng4ce4 hou4yi2zheng4: the impact by the one-child policy on various social aspects
- 有关开放二孩政策的讨论 you3guan1 kai1fang4 er4hai2 zheng4ce4 de tao3lun4: discussion on the lifting the ban on two-children family
- 城管人员和民众冲突 cheng2guan3 ren2yuan2 he2 min2zhong4 chong1tu: conflicts between citizens and "urban management officers"
- 不法网络公关现象 bu4fa3 wang2luo4 gong1guan1: illegal PR efforts in the cyber space (false internet polling)
- 网络造谣罪行 wang3luo4 zao4yao2 zui4xing2: making and spreading rumors via internet
- 网络诈骗罪行 wang3luo4 zha4pian4 zui4xing2: conning and fraudulence via internet
- 封建迷信现象 feng1jian4 mi2xin4 xian4xiang4: feudalistic superstitions (obsessive belief in fengshui, fortune telling, evil sects, etc.)
- 中国烟民持续增加的现象 Zhong1guo2 yan1min2 zhong4duo1: increasing numbers of smokers
Commentators' view:
The government acknowledges the existence of issues and the need to address them
Although there has been success in addressing the issues, there is a lot to be done.
Government is duty-bound and no excuse is allowed. (政府责无旁贷,毫无借口)
Some issues require concerted efforts to solve: relevant authorities, individuals, social groups.
Although there has been measures promulgated, the enforcement is yet too poor. (政策已经出台,但落实情况太差)
Leading cadres should take the lead (领导干部起带头作用) for the general public to follow.
(3)外交话题 Foreign Relationship
- 中国海域主权争议 Disputes over the territorial waters of the China Seas
- 中印边界争议 Sino-Indo border disputes
- 北韩(朝鲜)发展核武问题 North Korea's willfulness in developping nuclear weapons
- 中国遭围堵问题 China's worry about being besieged by US-led containing deployment
- 中国和平崛起承诺 China's commitment to "Rise in Peace"
Commentators' view:
China is determined on its course to go forward and maintain peaceful relations with neighbors. Regarding North Korea, China wants to make it clear that China won't support the willful action of nuclear detonation by North Korea. (朝鲜一意孤行持续进行核爆)China's Hawks may announce that China is not afraid of being engaged in wars if needed, while the Doves stress China will resort to peaceful means, such as economic development.
(4)军事话题 Military topics
- 中国军队现代化 modernization of China's military forces
- 美国对台湾军售 US arms sales to Taiwan
Commentators' view:
China will continue to modernize its defense ability, but will never pose any threat to its neighbors
China appeals that US should not support any type of separatism in Taiwan by providing US weapons, and warns against any move toward that direction.
(5)科技话题 Scientific topics
- 气候极端变化议题 qi4hou4 ji2duan1 bian4hua4 yi4ti2: Extreme Climatic Changes
- 暴雨(bao4yu3; torrential rain)、雪灾(xue3zai1 snow storm)、干旱(gan1han4 draught)、泥石流(ni2shi2liu2 mudslide)、滑坡(hua2po1 landslide)
- 海水淡化技术 hai3shui3 dan4hua4 ji4shu4 ; technology in desalination of sea water
Commentators' view:
China will adopt effective measures to cope with the serious problems, including preventative actions and contingency actions.
2016年5月29日 星期日
评论文章的标题/評論文章的標題 (2) Expressions of Preference
评论文章的标题 II
評論文章的標題 II
What can one find in the title II
评论文章的作者也经常透过(1)对比;(2)选择 来表达自己的主张
評論文章的作者也經常透過(1)對比;(2)選擇 來表達自己的主張
In writing a commentary, the author often uses 1) contrast and 2) making choice to highlight his advocacy
不如 (bu4ru2, it would be better to ....)
(与其)A......,不如 B.....
the author regards option B is a better one
例: “喊破嗓不如甩开膀” 让改革掷地有声
“喊破嗓不如甩開膀” 讓改革擲地有聲
the author is comparing using voices 喊破嗓 with using actions 甩開膀 in carrying out reforms
喊破嗓 : shout out loud to the point of hurting the voice/throat
甩开膀 : move one's arms free in marching 掷地有声: get responding sound when banging sth. on the ground
the author is comparing emigrating from Hong Kong with just moving away from Hong Kong without changing citizenship (currently more and more HKG people are moving to Taiwan to live and work)
移民:to emigrate from or immigrate to (involving citizenship/ nationality)
移居 : to move or change residence
the author is comparing hitting on the housing price with raising the wage level
打房:discouraging price hikes in housing market
提高薪资:raise the level of wages
要面子,不如要房子 外漂"蚁族"涌动返渝潮
要面子,不如要房子 外漂"蟻族"湧動返渝潮
the author is comparing seeking (unaffordable) faces with seeking (affordable) houses, when describing the current trend for migrant workers flowing back to Chongqing, Sichuan province from coastal cities where they wait for "opportunities"
要面子:seeking faces, referring to staying in coastal cities to sound or look fancy
要房子:seeking houses, referring to obtaining a house to live
外漂蚁族:those who are squatting in the big cities in spite of poor living standard
(ning2; would rather)
宁(可) A...也要 B... or 宁(可/愿) A...也愿 B...
寧(可) A...也要 B... or 寧(可/願) A...也願 B...
the author thinks that he would accept A for the sake of B, even A is something horrible
宁 A...不 B...
寧 A...不 B...
作者认为一定不接受 B,(尽管 不喜欢A)
作者認為一定不接受 B,(儘管 不喜歡A)
the author shows what he prefers in denying A or B, (he would accept A in order to avoid B)
both expressions are highlight the speaker's (writer's) strong will toward the goal shown in the latter part, even at the cost of the option stated in the former
the author asks why the builders prefer rushing the construction project even at the cost of penalties
the author advocates that taking the safe path is the best policy, even it would takes longer to get there
the goal "B" is highlighted
other idioms
would resist (not bending or bowing) at the cost of death
would refuse to accept mediocre quality (not compromising) even nothing is available
(只有)A才能... or(只有)A才是...
the author believe A is the only way, or the only right thing to choose
評論文章的標題 II
What can one find in the title II
评论文章的作者也经常透过(1)对比;(2)选择 来表达自己的主张
評論文章的作者也經常透過(1)對比;(2)選擇 來表達自己的主張
In writing a commentary, the author often uses 1) contrast and 2) making choice to highlight his advocacy
不如 (bu4ru2, it would be better to ....)
(与其)A......,不如 B.....
the author regards option B is a better one
例: “喊破嗓不如甩开膀” 让改革掷地有声
“喊破嗓不如甩開膀” 讓改革擲地有聲
the author is comparing using voices 喊破嗓 with using actions 甩開膀 in carrying out reforms
喊破嗓 : shout out loud to the point of hurting the voice/throat
甩开膀 : move one's arms free in marching 掷地有声: get responding sound when banging sth. on the ground
the author is comparing emigrating from Hong Kong with just moving away from Hong Kong without changing citizenship (currently more and more HKG people are moving to Taiwan to live and work)
移民:to emigrate from or immigrate to (involving citizenship/ nationality)
移居 : to move or change residence
the author is comparing hitting on the housing price with raising the wage level
打房:discouraging price hikes in housing market
提高薪资:raise the level of wages
要面子,不如要房子 外漂"蚁族"涌动返渝潮
要面子,不如要房子 外漂"蟻族"湧動返渝潮
the author is comparing seeking (unaffordable) faces with seeking (affordable) houses, when describing the current trend for migrant workers flowing back to Chongqing, Sichuan province from coastal cities where they wait for "opportunities"
要面子:seeking faces, referring to staying in coastal cities to sound or look fancy
要房子:seeking houses, referring to obtaining a house to live
外漂蚁族:those who are squatting in the big cities in spite of poor living standard
(ning2; would rather)
宁(可) A...也要 B... or 宁(可/愿) A...也愿 B...
寧(可) A...也要 B... or 寧(可/願) A...也願 B...
the author thinks that he would accept A for the sake of B, even A is something horrible
宁 A...不 B...
寧 A...不 B...
作者认为一定不接受 B,(尽管 不喜欢A)
作者認為一定不接受 B,(儘管 不喜歡A)
the author shows what he prefers in denying A or B, (he would accept A in order to avoid B)
both expressions are highlight the speaker's (writer's) strong will toward the goal shown in the latter part, even at the cost of the option stated in the former
the author asks why the builders prefer rushing the construction project even at the cost of penalties
the author advocates that taking the safe path is the best policy, even it would takes longer to get there
the goal "B" is highlighted
other idioms
would resist (not bending or bowing) at the cost of death
would refuse to accept mediocre quality (not compromising) even nothing is available
(只有)A才能... or(只有)A才是...
the author believe A is the only way, or the only right thing to choose
2016年5月27日 星期五
评论文章的标题/評論文章的標題(1)Title of an opinion piece (1) modal verbs and adverbials showing Do or Don't
What can one find in the title
Normally, one may find author's views and advocacy in an opinion piece (commentary)
the words introduced below are often found preceding an action verb to denote whether the author advocates for or disapproves
What can one find in the title
Normally, one may find author's views and advocacy in an opinion piece (commentary)
the words introduced below are often found preceding an action verb to denote whether the author advocates for or disapproves
◊ should
◊ should, ought to
◊ should, ought to (mostly, but not
always, used in the negative) (宜=suitable)
◊ must, need to, should
◊ let, allow ◊ have or make (sb do
sth), cause
◊ why not allow (suggestive)
◊ be sure to
◊ must, should
bù yīng
◊ should not
bù gāi
◊ ought not
◊ inadvisable; should not
◊ must, have to ◊ need, take, require
◊ need not
◊ don’t allow or don’t tolerate
◊ don’t allow or don’t tolerate
◊ do not, must not,
◊ do not by any means
◊ how can...(literary-style phrase
used to form a rhetorical question implying that the action mentioned is not
possible/appropriate; the colloquial modern equivalent is zěnme néng 怎麼能 /怎么能)
◊ how could (you)
◊ do you mean to say...?; really...?
(in a rhetorical question, indicating doubt or surprise)
fēi...bùkě ma
Does one
really have to …?
◊ avoid, avert
◊ guard against, take precautions
OK, advisable
NO, forbidding,
务必 |
務必 |
让、且让 |
讓、且讓 |
切莫 |
切莫 |
不可不 |
文章 (Atom)